Thermal power industry

Heat power engineering is the area where the core competencies and experience of EF-TEK experts are concentrated.

Heat power engineering objects are generally referred to:

  • Thermal power plants (TPP) in various types - CHPP (cogeneration), CES, GRES; coal-fired, oil-fired, gas-fired; steam turbine, gas turbine, gas piston and combined (combined cycle). The capacity of TPPs varies from tens of kilowatts (kW) to several gigawatts (GW)
  • Boiler houses of various types and capacities - from modular water heating boilers with a capacity of less than 1 Gcal/h to large industrial steam boilers with a capacity of about 500 Gcal/h.
  • Heat networks - main and intra-quarter, steam and water, various types of laying and configuration.

As of the end of Q2 2015, EF-TEK has prepared:

  • 6 bank business plans, 7 concepts, 4 full-scale feasibility studies for the construction of TPPs, boiler houses and heat networks, including those with in-depth technical elaboration;
  • Program of perspective development of the energy complex of the Far Eastern Federal District, including analysis of over 30 TPPs, 10 heat supply systems and justification of investments in reconstruction, modernization and new construction;
  • more than 20 reports on expertise of TPP construction investment projects at various stages of implementation.

In addition, the company provided support for 2 modernization projects of large coal-fired TPPs in the role of a construction supervision expert.