On June 11, the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation held a round table on the topic: “State Policy for the Development of Heat Supply Systems in Russia: Proposals for the State Program”. EF-TEK experts took part in the event.
Employees of the Analytical Center presented proposals prepared based on the results of the expert survey. “The set of proposed measures and mechanisms includes about 50 items that cover a variety of aspects of the problem. Approximately 2/3 of them were noted by the vast majority of experts and are the basis for priority measures of state policy, and the remaining ones require additional study", - said the moderator of the event, Advisor of the Department of Expert Analytical Work of the Analytical Center Evgeny Gasho.
Alexey Khrapkov, Deputy Director of the Department of Operational Control and Management in the Electric Power Industry of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, presented the Concept of Heat Supply System Development being developed by the Ministry of Energy. The authors of the concept expect to break the vicious circle of problems in heat supply and achieve sustainable development of the system by increasing efficiency, introducing an “alternative boiler house” mechanism and a number of other measures.
Viktor Semenov, General Director of VNIPIEnergoprom, OJSC, drew parallels between heat supply and healthcare. In his opinion, it is necessary to solve four large-scale tasks in the heat supply sector. First, to conduct a dispensary, i.e. to determine the number of problematic elements of the circuit and divide them by type. Second, diagnose and define a treatment plan, i.e., develop a roadmap for each category. Third, use absolute rather than percentage gains as a performance criterion. Fourth, eliminate inconsistencies in legislation. “When many ministries deal with one issue, too many legal documents are produced,” Semyonov believes.
Andrei Likhachev, Director General of the Moscow United Energy Company, suggested that the state program should include a section on combating non-payers. He was supported by Vasily Polivanov, Director General of NP Russian Heat Supply. “In the West, the problem of non-payments does not exist, as there is a state mechanism to combat them,” Polivanov noted.
Parviz Abdushukurov, Vice President, Deputy General Director for Operations, Chief Engineer of Fortum JSC, emphasized the importance of unification of terms and proposed to distinguish the concepts of “tariff” and “payment”, to provide regulatory definitions of key terms in heat supply and to introduce the concept of “fair price”.
The round table participants identified the main provisions that should be continued in the near future, among them: the degree of state regulation, quality control of heat supply schemes, definition of functions of heat supply organizations, the problem of non-payments and disconnection of non-payers, the system of fines, coordination of functions of federal executive authorities, issues of public-private partnership, regulatory definitions of key concepts in heat supply.
The round table was also attended by representatives of NP Market Council, NP Council of Energy Consumers, NP Council of Energy Producers, NP Housing and Utilities - Development, representatives of federal executive authorities, managers and specialists from Fortum, Inter RAO, Gazprom Energoholding, KES, SGK, MOEK and other energy companies.
for more information see site of Analisys center