Barnaulskaya CHPP-2 (units No. 8,9)

Support of the reconstruction project of blocks No. 8,9 in the role of an expert surveyor


Russian Federation


Western Siberia


Sibirenergoengeneering, OJSC


2013 - 2014

Barnaulskaya CHPP-2 was commissioned in 1955 and has a capacity of 327 MW. The project of reconstruction of power units No. 8,9 involves replacement of T-55-130 turbines, TVF-60 generators with auxiliary equipment, partial reconstruction of boilers and engineering systems of the plant. EF-TEK LLC has been acting as an Expert for this project since January 2013.

The main functions of the Project Expert are:

  • Monitoring, including control of the progress of works on the project implementation;
  • Provision of consulting assistance to the Customer when the Customer is updating the project schedule;
  • Analysis and preparation of comments on executive and permit documentation;
  • Analysis and preparation of comments on the project management organization.

Commissioning of the units is planned for 2014.