Construction of 220 KV Kafa substation
Technological and price audit of the project
Russian Federation
December 2015 - January 2016
Construction of the 220 kV Kafa substation is an integral part of the Russian Federation - Crimean Peninsula Power Grid Energy Bridge. The purpose of the investment project realization is the requirement of reliable supply of electric power to the consumers of the Republic. The scope of services on TCA of the investment project included:
- confirmation of efficiency according to the criteria of economic and technological feasibility;
- development of proposals to improve efficiency;
- analyzing the feasibility of the project and presenting conclusions;
- analyzing for all alternatives under consideration the total cost of ownership of the capital construction object, taking into account operating costs during the life cycle;
- summarizing possible savings in different areas;
- preparation of recommendations and proposals, taking into account domestic and foreign experience of modernization (construction) and operation of similar facilities, to increase the total efficiency by using modern design solutions and optimal choice of main and auxiliary equipment.