Operation of the power plant as part of the combine

Examination of compliance (non-compliance) of CHPPs within the Combine with the requirements for block plants (clause 33 of the Wholesale Market Rules)


Russian Federation


Volga region




July 2014

An industrial company was considering using a powerful power plant to supply power to its production site instead of purchasing power on the wholesale market.

The capacity of the plant exceeded 25 MW, but was much less than the mill's power consumption.

EF-TEK was engaged to verify the compliance of the power plant with the requirements for block power plants of industrial enterprises (Clause 33 of the Wholesale Market Rules).

The project included:

  • analysis of electricity balances;
  • analyzing the power supply scheme of the plant and the scheme of power output of the power plant, as well as the links between them;
  • analysis of title documentation;
  • development of recommendations.