Power bridge Magadan-Chukotka

Assessment of economic consequences of merging the energy systems of Magadan Oblast and Chaun-Bilibino energy hub up to 2030.


Russian Federation


Far East


TEK Mosenergo, JSC


February 2015 - April 2016

RusHydro Group, on behalf of the Russian Government, is considering a project to merge the power system of the Magadan Region and the Chaun-Bilibino power hub in Chukotka. EF-TEK was engaged by JSC TEK Mosenergo as the main contractor to assess the economic implications of the project.

The scope of EF-TEK's services included:

  • expertise of electricity and capacity balances for the period up to 2030;
  • expertise of calculations of the cost of the energy bridge construction by options;
  • development of tariff-balance models for energy systems before and after the merger;
  • calculations of forecast economically justified tariffs for electricity and capacity for consumers after the construction of the energy bridge;
  • determination of optimal options for the development of power plants, substations and grids, taking into account minimization of tariff consequences for consumers in the regions.