The projected Krasnogorskaya SHPP-1 is located on the Kuban River (806 km from the mouth), in the territory of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, in the Ust-Dzheguta municipal district, near the village of Krasnogorskaya, at a distance of 3.4 km downstream of the Zelenchukskaya SHPP and 40 kilometers south of the city of Cherkessk. The capacity of the HPP is 25 MWT.
The scope of services includes:
- evaluation of technical and constructive solutions;
- assessment of construction terms and schedule;
- assessment of the feasibility of construction costs and compliance of the project price with the cost of construction of analogues;
- marketing research of the market of contracting services for the project realization;
- assessment and classification of identified project risks;
- list of identified inconsistencies, discrepancies, etc. identified in the course of the audit;
- recommendations on optimization of the adopted technical solutions and construction costs, etc.