Electric power industry

Electric power industry is a branch of the energy industry that combines production, transportation and sales of electric power. The objects of the electric power industry include:

  • Power plants of various types and capacities - thermal, nuclear, hydraulic, renewable energy power plants;
  • Backbone power grids (substations, overhead and cable lines), including elements of power delivery schemes of backbone power plants;
  • Distribution power grids (substations, overhead and cable lines), including elements of power delivery schemes of relatively small power plants;
  • Dispatching control facilities.

The EF-TEK team has extensive experience in developing electrical engineering solutions as part of the development of concepts, business plans and investment justifications for the construction of generation facilities. We develop principal main electrical schemes, auxiliary power schemes; concepts of power delivery schemes for various variants taking into account power system operation modes; assess the possibility of joint operation of large industrial enterprises and block stations as part of local power systems.

In the area of electric grids, EF-TEK offers its clients services in the field of construction cost estimation of grid facilities and substations at pre-project stages. Experience in assessing the cost of construction of such facilities was accumulated in the course of many years of designing facilities of FGC UES, as well as the development of research and development work “Development of proposals for the project of consolidated price standards for standard technological solutions for capital construction of electric grid facilities”, performed by EF-TEK for the Ministry of Energy in 2014. The existing developments may be of interest for express assessment of investment programs of electric grid companies to verify the validity of declared capital expenditures, as well as to assess the validity of costs for technological connection to the power grid.