Concepts, business plans, investment feasibility studies

Decision-making on the construction of an energy facility or implementation of a certain measure in the field of energy construction and modernisation requires a qualitative preliminary analysis of both technical aspects and the financial and economic component of the investment idea under consideration.

General principles of investment justifications and business plans are reflected in the recommendations of a number of generally recognised regulatory documents. In Russia, the recommendations of SP 11-101-95 "Procedure for the development, coordination, approval and composition of investment justifications for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures" are often used. Kazakhstan has adopted a similar document - SP RK 1.02-21-2007 "Rules of development, coordination, approval and composition of feasibility studies for construction". Large Russian companies use their own standards, for example, R Gazprom 035-2008 "Recommendations on the composition and organisation of pre-investment studies in Gazprom.

In the case of a project for construction or reconstruction of a generation facility, the investment justification shall contain the following sections:

  • Marketing analysis of the electricity and heat energy (capacity) market in the area of influence of the generation facility - in order to determine its capacity
  • Multivariate design of technical solutions for the creation of a generation facility
  • Estimation of CAPEX by project implementation options, taking into account their breakdown by years of construction
  • Development of the production programme of the generation facility
  • Preparing an operations and maintenance plan. Estimation of operating costs for construction options
  • Financial modelling, assessment of economic efficiency of investments
  • Risk analysis

EF-TEK has great experience in providing engineering services at the preliminary stages of investment project development. Our team is able to prepare a high-quality concept, business plan or investment feasibility study within a reasonable timeframe. As of Q2 2015, EF-TEK LLC has developed more than 20 concepts, business plans, pre-feasibility studies and investment feasibility studies for various investment projects with a total value of over RUB 1.5 trillion.