Energy saving and renewables

Increasing energy efficiency and the share of renewable energy sources are among the priorities of government authorities in Russia. Increased energy intensity and energy wastage are serious obstacles preventing Russian companies from becoming competitive in global markets.

EF-TEK recognizes its participation in such projects as a strategic priority and is systematically preparing its resource base to provide services in these areas. Our team is well-versed in energy-saving technologies of heat and electricity generation, because we regularly use them during the development of power plant construction concepts, as well as during their technical audits.

EF-TEK LLC cooperates with Ekwadraat B.V., a Dutch innovative consulting company specializing in engineering services in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency. Ekwadraat B.V. for 10 years of existence has realized several hundred projects in the Netherlands, Germany, China in the field of bioenergy (based on biogas and biomass), geothermal, wind and solar energy, as well as improving energy efficiency of residential and office buildings. In a number of projects Ekwadraat B.V. helped to attract investors, including large Dutch banks.

EF-TEK employees have accumulated extensive practical experience in geothermal energy project implementation, having actively participated in the 1990s in the construction of the Mutnovskiye Geothermal Power Plants in Kamchatka. They have also accumulated considerable experience in developing concepts for construction of small HPPs.

A number of EF-TEK experts have experience in conducting energy audits of power engineering and industrial facilities. The company's employees have undergone appropriate training, and EF-TEK is authorized to conduct energy audits, being a member of SRO NP “Energy Efficiency Control”. 

Together with our partners, we are ready to offer interested clients high-quality services in the field of energy efficiency and RES aimed at achieving practical results.