Energy center of the gas processing plant

Development of investment feasibility study for the construction of a power center


Russian Federation


Orenburg (Ural)


Angstrem, LLC


January - May 2015

The Orenburg Gas Processing Plant is one of the largest gas chemical complexes in the world. In 2015, the construction of a power center with a capacity of about 70 MW was under consideration.

The scope of EF-TEK's services included:

  • analyzing actual and forecast energy balances of the plant;
  • substantiation of unit and total heat and electric capacity of the power center;
  • development of basic technical solutions for 11 variants of the power center construction, 7 variants based on gas turbine and 4 variants based on gas piston units;
  • justification of optimal location of the power center taking into account heat and electric loads of the plant, limitations on overflows and routing of engineering systems and communications;
  • cost analysis for all considered variants of the power center construction taking into account engineering infrastructure facilities;
  • development of financial and economic models, calculation of economic efficiency indicators (NVP, IRR, PI, PBP, DPBP) and analysis of the project investment attractiveness.