Development of new (finalization) Aggregated Price Standart (APS)

Development of new (finalization) APS of standard technological solutions for electric grid facilities approved by Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia No. 75 dated 08.02.2016, development of equipment price bulletins, elaboration of relevant technological solutions.


Russian Federation


All regions of Russia




November 2017 - April 2018

EF-TEK updates the Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia No. 75 dated 08.02.2016. for power grid facilities of voltage class 0.4-750 kV.

The scope of EF-TEK's services includes:

  • Development of proposals for standard technological solutions (TTS) of power grid facilities in respect of new construction, modernization, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and dismantling facilities within the scope of work;
  • Carrying out experimental calculations of the cost of TTRs;
  • Development of price bulletin for electrical equipment, FOCL, materials at the current price level.
  • Development of new (finalization) UNCs of standard technological solutions for electric grid facilities approved by Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia No. 75 dated 08.02.2016