Cherepetskaya GRES

Development of justification for construction of CCGT-420


Russian Federation


Tula region


Inter RAO - Elektrogeneracia, JSC


April - September 2019

D.G. Zhimerin Cherepetskaya GRES is the first powerful steam turbine power plant in Europe designed for ultra-high steam parameters (pressure 170 atmospheres, temperature 550°C). The EF-TEC work included:

  • Analysis of existing electrical loads. Development of perspective power balance with forecast of consumption levels of the Tula power system for 2024 and for 5 years after CCGT-420 commissioning.
  • Development of mathematical model of 110 kV and above network of Tula power system for 2024 and for the perspective of 5 years.
  • Calculation and analysis of normal, typical repair and post-emergency modes in the network of 110 kV and above taking into account the introduction of generating capacities, development of the network of 110 kV and above and prospective growth of loads.
  • Search for variants of scheme-mode and balance situations confirming the necessity of CCGT-420 construction, including forecasting the emergence of large consumers in the Tula power system.
  • Study of options for development of Cherepetskaya GRES.
  • Extensive assessment of new generation construction on the territory of Cherepetskaya GRES